Reliable Call Accounting Systems
Really Happy Users

“I have been a TEL user for many, many years. Your system works very, very well and I have standardized on the INN-FORM XL for all of my properties. The flexibility, reliability and ease-of-use makes the INN-FORM XL a sure win with my General Managers and Front Desk Personnel. I appreciate that the INN-FORM XL is a stand-alone hardware unit, so I don’t have to worry about software changes, operating system changes or PC swap-outs. The INN-FORM XL works and works and works. I would recommend the INN-FORM XL for any property that wants a great system that will most likely outlast the next US President or two. Thank you TEL for providing such a great product for my properties.”
Chuck Everitt
Operations Manager
Ameritel Inns