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Call Accounting for Government Agencies

Government agencies are under increasing pressure to enforce strict budgets, respond quickly to emergencies, and to improve employee productivity. With the WIN-SENSE 32 call accounting software, city, county, state, and federal agencies can now do all three at a minimum…

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Call Accounting for Call Centers & Help Desks

With the WIN-SENSE 32, call centers can track all incoming and outgoing calls. With detailed extension and department reports, help desks can improve employee productivity, allocate telecom expenses, decrease phone abuse, eliminate toll fraud, and optimize phone system performance. Call…

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Call Accounting for Attorneys and Law Firms

Attorneys and Law Firms use call accounting systems to allocate phone expenses to specific clients, document and store critical call data, and to reduce overall telecom expenses. By using products such as the WIN-SENSE 32, law firms can cut telecom…

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